All posts by Alpha Igogo

Its Mothers’ Month

FB_IMG_1431032904281Hapa ni Mzee ma Vumilia Sassi wakiwa na mama yao Kipenzi: Nani kama mama?

Its Mothers’ Month

Huu ni mwezi wa kusherekea mama zetu, na  Sunday May 10th, 2015 ndiyo siku yao maalum. Hivyo basi kama una picha ya mama zazi / mama mlezi au mtu yoyote ambaye amesimama kama mama katika maisha yako  ambayo ungependa kushare nasi unakaribishwa. Tuma picha  na ujumbe kwa [email protected]

IMG-20150507-WA0000                     Penny  na binti yake Nandi

IMG-20150507-WA0001IMG-20150507-WA0008Penny na watoto zake Nandi na Agrey wakisherekea New Year 2015 in Zanzibar

IMG-20150507-WA0004Penny na wanae wakienda vacation Ngorongoro na Serengeti National Parks

IMG-20150507-WA0005 Nani kama mama?? Barikiwa sana Penny

Mgomo wa Madereva na Makondakta


Tumeshuhudia kwa siku mbili mfululizo mgomo ulio fanyanywa inchi zima na madereva pamoja na makondakta; kwa kweli inasikitisha sana. Embu tafakari kama kulikuwa na mgonjwa ambaye pesa zake hazimruhusu kuchukua Taxi  hivi si mtu anakufa hivi hivi?

Mimi naamini tabia ya kuto kuheshimu ajira zisizo rasmi ndiyo kunaleta haya matatizo yote. Serikali na Watanzania kwa ujumla wameshindwa kuheshimu na kutambua kua ajira zisizo rasmi nazo ni muhimu kama ilivyo kazi zingine zozote zile ambazo zinahitaji elimu ya juu. Hivyo basi kuwa na mikataba ya kazi wakati wa kuajiriwa ni muhimu kama ilivyo kuwa kwa Medical Doctor  (MD) au kwa Marketing Manager.

Hakuna kazi ambayo haina maana hapa duniani, hata kama hiyo kazi haiitaji elimu kubwa lakini inaumuhimu na inapaswa kuheshimiwa. Utakuta mtu anamdharau mfagizi wa bara bara. Hivi assume wafagizi wa bara bara pale Dar es salaam  wagome kwa siku mbili tuu; unafikiri hali ya Dar itakuwaje? Kama kwa sasa pamoja na jitihada zao lakini jiji bado ni chafu, watu wanatupa taka ovyo bila kujali machafuko ya hali ya hewa na magonjwa ya mlipuko?! Sasa wakigoma kwa siku mbili nafikiri kipindu pindu kitawamaliza wote kwa siku moja tuu!!


Kitendo cha kuto kutambulika na kuwa na mikata rasmi ya madereva pamoja na makondakta ni AIBU kubwa sana kwa serikali ya Tanzania haswa katika hii karne ya 21. Kuto kuwa na mikataba ya kazi naamini kwa upande mwingine kuna changia sana madereva kuto kujali kazi zao na kupungukiwa na utu ambao zinafanya wasababishe ajali zisizo isha kila leo. Kama wangekuwa wanapewa mafunzo maalum kutoka serikalini kabla ya kuajiriwa, kuwa certified na serikali, na then kupewa mkataba rasmi ya kazi na waajiri wao basi mimi naamini hawa madereva wangekuwa makini huko bara barani na ajali zingepungua kwani mkataba wa kazi yake unamlinda yeye kama dereva (maslahi), na pia unalinda usalama wa abiria waliopo ndani ya hayo mabasi kudhurika na ajali zisizo na lazima kutoka kwa madereva wazembe.

Inchi za wenzetu zilizo endelea hakuna kazi isiyo dhaminiwa, na ndiyo maana kuna mikataba ya kazi katika sector zote za ajira. Na hakuna kazi ambayo utaipata bila kuwa na some sort of training and be certified. Hata kazi ya kulea watoto lazima kuna kozi utafanya na CPR course ni must!! Lakini embu angalia Tanzania, hivi ni waajiri wangapi huwa wanahakikisha kuwa ma housegirl wao wanajua na wapo certified kutoa huduma ya kwanza kwa watoto haswa CPR?? Je, housegirl wako yupo teyari kuokoa maisha ya mtoto wako kama akipaliwa (choked) na kitu au chakula? Je, anajua ni nini cha kufanya kama moto ukatokea ndani ya nyumba? Ukitafakari haya yote utaona sababu ya kuwa na well trained babysitter na kuweka mkataba wa kazi unaoeleweka ili kukidhi mahitaji ya kila mmoja.


Nafikiri huu mgomo uwe fundisho si tuu kwa serikali kuanza kutambua na kuheshimu ajira zisizo rasmi bali hata kwa Watanzania wote kwa ujumla ambao wanatabia ya kudharau kazi za watu haswa ambazo hazihitaji elimu ya juu. Wewe msomi hunamuhitaji mzibua vyoo ili maisha yako yaendelee, wewe muuza duka unamuhitaji mbeba mabox ili maisha yako yaendelee, wewe Dr unamuhitaji muhudumu wa wodini ili maisha yako yaendelee etc….. Viumbe vyote vilivyo na uhai vinaishi kwa kutegemeana ili kuweza ku survive, tuache dharau zisizo na mpango!!

“I am sure Zari loves her kids as any mother does to her children”-Johanna HK

                                               Johanna HK

I think Zari knows what she is doing, and its people who don’t see far who don’t understand her moves. This lady is not a teenager who is looking to have fun with boyfriends. She has experiences and life has taught her many lessons. She has had money whether through her own efforts or through her ex (it doesn’t matter) and she has realized that money without happiness causes depression. She has met this guy who is showing her love and she has fallen for it. I understand her situation.

People, especially women keep on criticizing her that she is ignoring her children and chases Diamond’s love. The lady has tried to explain to you that she has a schedule which runs between her and the father of her children to take care of the kids. No one knows that it was dads time to have the kids because we don’t know the family plans, and still people keep on criticizing her for not being at her child’s birthday. what ever the case, I am sure Zari loves her kids as any mother does to her children.

What I would like my fellow ladies who know how to point finger to others is that Zari is a person like any of her children. She is a mother yes, but she has her needs. We as mothers have lives to live too. Having children doesn’t mean our lives stop. Zari needs love, care and to know that someone cares for her. Her children definitely love her as a mother but they will not satisfy her with other needs. Lets agree also that Zari has been flying back and forth from Tanzania to SA to be with her children. To me she has been doing very well. How many women live in the same house with their children 24/7 and they end up burning their hands just because they steal a penny? how many are in the same house everyday with their kids but they spend so much time doing their own stuff that even kids don’t know whether mom is around or not? yes we all need to spend time with our children but that does not mean that those who spend more time they love them more. What we do when we are with our children matters more. Make sure that the time you spend with your children creates memories they will never forget. That is what we need. But if you are lucky to spend more time with your kids, thank God, utilize it well but don’t think other mothers who for one reason or another don’t spend the same time are not as loving to their children as you are.

Zari knows that she needs to survive and she will not continue to depend on child support or some businesses that she created with her ex. She is trying to build her life after it crashed. She is looking for new friends, new love, new networks, new family and the list goes on…I have done my own research and I have just realized that this lady is just the victim of the male dominant society in Africa. WOMEN ARE SUPPOSED TO STICK TO THEIR MARRIAGES BECAUSE OF THE CHILDREN AND LISTEN TO THEIR HUSBANDS, WHETHER THEY CHEAT, DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE OR EVEN KILL YOU IT’S OK. really? This is what Zari was expected to do. Just because you have children then you don’t have a choice? jamani, have you seen those pictures of women who are killed by their husbands in Tanzania for relationship reasons? Most of those women believed that they had to stay because if they leave their husbands, the society will not understand them. Zari doesn’t know me and I don’t know her. I just read about her in blogs, but every time I read some ladies comments it pains me to see that some women don’t understand what other women are going or have gone through. Just know that you cannot judge anybody unless you put yourself in her shoes.

Breaking up with someone you had children with is not easy, especially when that someone has big money like her EX. There must be a good reason why the poor lady decided to end up that relationship. As for now, lets give her time to settle. You cannot expect her to have the same schedule she used to have with her kids after beginning a new relationship. She will definitely one day settle down and know how to balance everything. As regards to Wema I think she was in deep love with Diamond but had positive or negative influence from her mom to stop seeing him, and the reason behind was like she could get a better person than him and that he was just using her. Now that being the situation, she chose to end the relationship. I think it is fair to not blame Zari or hate her because she has nothing to do with the breaking of Wema and Diamonds relationship. Did she make the right choice to break up with him? we don’t know, but time will tell. Lets be patient and watch…………..……..

Mother’s Day is around the corner and this message came at the right time!! Johanna HK was responding to some Tanzanian bloggers and women who negatively criticized Zari’s a.k.a The Bosslady’s motherhood / parenting style!!

Birthday wishes

Happy 5th birthday to gorgeous gal baby Rougaitou. Mungu akubariki sana mwanetu, ukuwe kwa kimo na hekima. You are tooo cute gal!! Much love from aunty Alpha!

FB_IMG_1430665238679FB_IMG_1430665233087FB_IMG_1430667562376             Birthday gal with her brothers
FB_IMG_1430667509569these precious babies are too cute for a word! God bless them!

Birthday wishes

Happy birthday to our beautiful sister, kipenzi cha wengi Mh. Shy-Rose Bhanji. Ubarikiwe sanaaaaa! Much love!


Mahojiano Linda Bezuidenhout-Part 2


Congratulations Jane D. Oming’o


Napenda kuchukuwa fursa hii kumpongeza Jane D. Oming’o kwa kufanikiwa kumaliza elimu yake ya degree ya pili katika mchepuo wa Science in IT (MSc-IT). Hongera sana my cousin, ni mfano wa kuigwa kwa watu wote husunani wanawake wa Kitanzania.


Jane akisherekea graduation yake pamoja na familia yake, ndugu zake, marafiki zake, na jamaa zake wa karibu akiwemo mdogo wake mpendwa Dr. Elizabeth Daniel Oming’o kutoka Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

Dr. Elizabeth Daniel Oming’o (Ls) na  Jane Daniel Oming’o……..I can see the joy of sister’s love


Jane and her husband
Family and friends showing some love to Jane


Wamama na watoto zao, wanajivunia na kufurahi cheo chao cha mama. Mbarikiwe sana wamama wote duniani.

Mama G, na Georgina Faith from Sydney, Australia 
Regina and her beautiful daughters from Massachusetts, USA 
Mama Mika and Malaika: Pictures taken in Japan. Behind them is Mt. Fuji

Kutoka Facebook

Hahaha!  Ngoja nicheke kwanza, maana mambo yamekuwa mambo hahaha! Usifikiri mtu anajiandaa na harusi yake, hapana. Haya ni maandalizi ya Zari the Bosslady All White Party. Kitu cha May Mosi 2015 pale Mlimani City  🙂 🙂  chezea mtoko wa  Diamond na Bosslady wewe sharti uvae gauni la harusi 🙂  🙂


Birthday wishes

Happy birthday to the beautiful and mathematics genius Veronica Sarungi. Talking about brain, beauty, humbleness, and God fearing lady right here!  Najua  mpaka hapo umesha barikiwa sana tuu, ila nakuombea  Mungu azidi kukubariki  sanaaaaa!! Happy birthday my beautiful cousin-sister..

FB_IMG_1430359113402FB_IMG_1430359242889 FB_IMG_1430359259442What a beautiful smile from two beautiful sisters…….blessed always!

Culture ya Mluo

Tanzania ni inchi iliyo jaliwa kuwa na makabila mengi sana, nafikiri (sina huwakika) ndoyo inchi inayo ongoza kuwa na makabila mengi dunia. Na kitu kinachofanya Tanzania ionekane unique mbele ya uso wa dunia, ni kotoka na ukweli ya kwamba pamoja na wingi wa makabila yaliyomo ndani ya inchi; hakuna kabila lenye nguvu kuizidi nyingine. Kitu hichi nitafauti sana na mataifa mengine barani Africa, ambapo utakuta kuna kabila moja au mawili uanajiona ‘superior’ kuliko mengine, na hivyo husababisha migongano na migogoro mingi ndani ya inchi husika.

Lakini kwa leo nataka niseme hili kuhusu kabila la waluo au wajaluo kama wengi waitavyo. katika kila kabila kuna mila na desturi zake, basi baadhi ya desturi ya Mluo ni kuto kuvaa khanga, kuto kupiga magoti wakati wa kusalimu, na kuvaa vizuri siku ya mazishi hasa kama wewe ndiye muhusika mkuu kwenye msiba huo.

Mimi kwakweli kama ningeolewa kwenye makabila ambayo culture zao ni zile za kupoga magoti; basi mie naona ningeachika 🙂 🙂   Yani ni kitu ambacho siwezi kabisa, na naogopa kuiga nisije siku nikaanguka bure mbele za watu.

Pia si desturi ya Mluo kwa wanawake kuvaa khanga. Sema sikuhizi mambo yanaingilia unaweza kuta baadhi ya wamama wakijaluo wakivaa khanga hata kwenye misiba. Khanga kwa desturi ya mluo huwa inatumika kama pambo fulani ambalo huvaliwa kwa kuwekwa begani. Lakini kama nilivyo sema sikuhizi kuna vitu vingine ambavyo huko juma vilikuwa vinatendwa na specific tribe lakini leo hii vipo common katika makabila mengi-na khanga ni moja ya mfano huo.

Kitu kingine ambacho ni sehemu ya culture ya Mluo, ni kuvaa vizuri na kusherekea baada ya mazishi. Mila na desturi za mluo zina amini kifo ni sherehe ya mwisho ya kila binadamu hivyo inafaa kuaherekewa kama ilivyo katika sherehe zingine kama kuzaliwa, na kuoa / kuolewa. Waluo ni watu ambao siku ya mazishi watu wata vaa vizuri sana na baada tuu ya mwili kuwekwa kaburini basi kiyakacho fuata ni kula, kunywa, na kucheza. Nakama ikatokea aliye fariki ni mtu aliyekuwa akiheahimiwa sana hapo anapoishi basi sherehe itakuwa kubwa sana na mbwembwe za kifahari nyingi sanaaa, kama vile kuvyatua risasi angani, kuchinja ng’ombe zaidi ya wawili ili watu wale na kusaza, na mambo mengine mengi sana.

Picha hapo chini ni za wiki iliyo pita ambapo mama yangu pamoja na shangazi yangu-Theresia Nyobuya walienda huko Karungu, Kenya kwenye msiba wa mme wa bibi yetu mdogo (Mwenye nguo nyeupe. Marehemu bibi yetu mzaa baba (Rhoda Igogo) yeye alitokea maeneo ya Kenya. Na huyu mjane ni mdogo wake pekee ambaye yu hai. Hivyo basi baba yetu anamchukulia kama mama yake mzazi  kwa sasa, kwani mama yake alisha fariki. Pole sana bibi  yetu, and R.I.P babu yetu.

Kitu kingine ambacho nilimwambia mtu hakashangaa, ni kwamba wajaluo hawajui kitu matembele wala kisamvu. Na mkowa wa Mara huwa hatupiki kwa kutumia nazi na wala sijawahi ona nazi mkowa wa Mara, wanapika na maziwa au organic cheese  (jibini).

…………..Mama yangu mzazi, bibi (mjane), na Shangazi Theresia Nyobuya
……………………..Bibi yangu na mashangazi zangu

Family Time

One of the amazing beautiful families I ever known.  The Mashimis’ family from Atlanta, Georgia, looking beautiful as usual. God keep blessing you guys. Much love from “Michigan”


Family Time

The Kakoschokes’ family as usual got to post their pictures,  may be am obsessed with them LOL!  But frankly, wanapendeza wanavutia sana. Bado wapo vacation, wametoka Japan sasa on their way to their nex destination……more pictures visit


Kutoka Facebook

Leo kutoka Facebook nimeipenda sana hii picha ya my cousin-sister Sophy Makoyo. Simple but beautiful!


Family Time

Kama kawaida ni mewahaidi kila juma Pili nitakuwa naweka picha za families zaidi. Hivyo basi leo tuna anza na dada yetu kipenzi Shy-Rose Bhanji ambaye huyo Los Angeles, California kwa sasa akisalimia familia ya ndogo wake aishie huko.

FB_IMG_1430039598232FB_IMG_1430039647464FB_IMG_1430039591463FB_IMG_1430039490242Kwa kweli wamependeza, na wanavutia sana. Mbalikiwe ma binti wa Bhanji.

Kutoka Facebook

Leo nimependa sana hii picha ya Fina Nyongo (left) na rafiki yake, wamependeza sana. Kila binadamu anahitaji rafiki angalau mmoja. Mbarikiwe wapendwa!


Kupachika majina

Kunatabia ambayo baadhi ya watu wanayo yakupenda kupachika watu wengine majina ya bandia (labeling people) kutokana na maumbile yao kama unene au ulemavu wa kiungo fulani au mahala wanapo ishi. Huwenda wanafanya hivyo kwa kujua au kutokujua lakini kiufupi si tabia nzuri na si tabia ya kiungwana hata kidogo.

Utakuta mtu anapachikwa jina “bonge” eti kwasababu tuu ni mnene?! Tena watu wanaona sawa kabisa kuitwa hivyo bila woga! Kitu ambacho si sahihi hata kidogo, kwani huyu “bonge” anajina lake halisi, na sidhani kama kuna mtu hapa duania anapenda to be called out of their names or label them just because of the situation of which sometimes is beyond their control, or even worse it might be something that they have been struggling with it and here comes someone start to label them!!

People often take advantage of our relationships,  thinking  they have the right to justify their bad behavior because they are our sisters, brothers, cousins, etc Kwasababu hao ambao huwa wanapachika watu majina huwa ni watu wenye uhusiano wa karibuni na victim. Jamani, watu kuzaliwa au kukulia nyumba moja haimaanishi kuwa mta experience things or being treated the same way; na kila mtu mwili wake na akili (psychology) vina react tofauti hata kama is the same situation. Hivyo ku gain weight siyo mara zote zinaletwa na chukula, saa nyingine ni kwa sababu ya emotional issues ambazo mtu anazo moyoni mwake na huwenda hajapata wa kumwabia.  Every human being is fighting a battle you don’t know about!! Hivyo basi wewe mtu ambaye unatoka huko na kuanza kumpachika majina unakuwa unamuumiza zaidi badala ya kumsaidia.

Hivi mbona kuna watu hawawezi kuzaa kwa sababu mbali mbali, mbona I don’t see people walking around calling them wagumba au tasa? Why you think its okay to call someone bonge kwa sababu ni mnene? Kuna watu wana makengeza au chongo basi nao tuanze kuwaita majina kwa ulemavu wao kama tunavyo waita watu ambao ni wanene!SMH!

Wewe utajisikiaje kama ni mlemavu wa miguu au hata ndugu yako umpendaye ambaye ni mlemavu halafu watu waka mpachika jina na kumwita “kiwete” badala ya jina lake halisi? Si huungwana wala ubinadamu hata kidogo to label people or calling people out of their name especially if the name has something to do with her / his physical disability /situation. In fact no one has to adhere with anyone else’s specifications to be the person whom God created them to be!! We need to respect and be kind to one another!!


Birthday wishes

Happy birthday to my nephew mzee Chaulo. May God be with you, and bless you abundantly! Happy birthday son, we all love you!


Kutoka Facebook

Nimependa sana hii picha yya Tabu akiandaa samaki fresh and organic toka Mwanza. Ni zawadi ambayo aliletewa na cousin-sister wake.”Undungu ni kufaana, undugu si kufanana!”

2015-04-22 17.34.07