“Life can be a rollercoaster and you will never know where you’ll end UP.” >>> Zari the Bosslady

Life can be a rollercoaster and you will never know where you’ll end up

From studying my Cosmetology course in the UK ( which hasn’t helped me) while doing house girl work to pay my accommodation (yes I’ve been a maid before) to running through buses to get to my next stop woodgreen where I worked as a Cashier and sometimes as an Isle packer in Sainsbury. Friend, I started out early wasn’t even sure why me. But the inner voice in me wanted better.

My dad had left, my mom was doing tailor jobs day and night I couldnt stand seeing her struggle I couldn’t stand her pain. I was living with my aunt in the UK who treated me like a step child. Gooosh?
Been through boutiques, long economy flights to china in between building a school and having babies. My music and tv career is a story for another day. Phew? All I’m saying, consistency is key. Doesnt matter where you are or what you do. Just do it.

I am the author of my life, my story, don’t rewrite it for me.! Let me be the one to tell it.
Throwbacks are good, reminds us of where we’ve come from and I think that kinda keeps you grounded.

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