All posts by Alpha Igogo

Kidney deserves the best!


Important kindney deserves the best: Here are the top 6 causes of kidney disease…!Screenshot_2016-02-26-15-59-56-1

1. Delaying going to toilet. Keeping your urine in your bladder for too long is a bad habit. A full bladder can cause bladder damage. The urine that stays in the bladder multiplies bacteria quickly. Once the urine reflushes back to the ureter and kidneys, the toxic substances can result in kidney infections, then urinary tract infections, and then nephritis, and even uremia. When nature calls– do it as soon as possible.

2. Eating too much salt,You should eat not more than 5.8 grams of salt daily.

3. Eating too much meat. Too much protein in your diet is harmful for your kidneys. Protein digestion produces ammonia – a toxin that is very destructive to your kidneys. More meat equals to more kidney damage.

4. Drinking too much caffeine. Caffeine is a component of many sodas and soft drinks. It raises your blood pressure and your kidneys start suffering. So you should cut down the amount of coke you drink daily.

5. Not drinking water. Our kidneys should be hydrated properly to perform their functions well. If we don’t drink enough, the toxins can start accumulating in the blood, as there isn’t enough fluid to drain them through the kidneys. Drink more than 10 glasses of water daily. There is an easy way to check if you are drinking enough water: look at the colour of your urine; the lighter the colour, the better.

6. Late treatment . Treat all your health problems properly and have your health checked regularly. Let’s help ourselves…God will protect you and your family from every disease this year and beyond, Amen! Please share, if you care!!!

(3) Avoid these Tablets, they are very dangerous:

  • D-cold
  •  Vicks Action-500
  • Actified
  • Coldarin
  •  Cosome
  • Nice
  •  Nimulid
  • Cetrizet-D

They contain Phenyl Propanol-Amide PPA, which causes Strokes & Are banned in USA

Please, before deleting, HELP your friends by passing it..! It might help some one. Forward to as many as you can. WhatsApp is free, soo..forward it.

Doctors in the United States have found new cancer in human beings, caused by Silver Nitro Oxide. Whenever you buy recharge cards, don’t scratch with your nails, as it contains Silver Nitro Oxide coating and can cause skin cancer. Share this message with your loved ones.

Important Health Tips:

  1. Answer phone calls with the left ear.
  2. Don’t take your medicine with cold water….
  3. Don’t eat heavy meals after 5pm.
  4. Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
  5. Best sleeping time is from 10pm to 4 am.
  6. Don’t lie down immediately after taking medicine or after meals.
  7. When phone’s battery is low to last bar, don’t answer phone calls, because the radiation is 1000 times stronger.

Credit: B. Ogoti

“Any man can admire a beautiful woman, but it takes a true gentleman to make a woman admirable and beautiful”

FB_IMG_1456522844813Husbands: The reason why other women look attractive is because someone is taking good care of them. Grass is always green where it is watered. Instead of drooling over the green grass on the other side of the fence, work on yours and water it regularly. Any man can admire a beautiful woman, but it takes a true gentleman to make a woman admirable and beautiful.

Credit: Prince Mazibuko 

Happy 4th birthday Nyangeta!

Screenshot_2016-02-25-15-46-59-1Happy 4th birthday cutie pie! May your day be filled with love and joy. May God bless you and keep you safe always! Screenshot_2016-02-25-15-46-36That’s so sweet mama Nyangeta! May God bless you all…..Happy birthday beautiful, aunt Alpha loves you!

Kutoka Facebook

imageMy sweet friend / sister Rose, looking good! Missing you my Kalamazoo people! May God keep protecting you till we meet again ??

A word of wisdom


Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1456343829195Awwih! My people! My darling babysisters Advocate Janeth O.O Igogo and Blessing GwethRhoda Igogo! Too cute! I love them so much! ??

The legendary is coming back!! #NaamkaTena!

Screenshot_2016-02-24-15-21-04-1Our Queen! The Legendary! The one and only one Lady Jay Dee is coming back!! #NaamkaTena! O’yes! Strong women never get defeated nomatter how hard they fall always they will get-up strongly than ever before!! Screenshot_2016-02-24-15-19-10-1“Wasanii wa Tanzania ni kama aridhi thamani yao hupanda kila siku. Lady Jay Dee anaamka tena!”…..Mh. Lukuvi Screenshot_2016-02-24-15-19-48-1Wapendwa mlioko Bongoland please let’s support our Queen! Nunua ticket yako mapema uwe tayari kwa tukio lingine la kihistoria! Si mnakumbuka lile la uzinduzi wa wimbo wa “Yahaya” ?? basi tufanye tena ?

A word of wisdom!

Screenshot_2016-02-24-15-29-35-1So powerful!

Hot shot of the day

FB_IMG_1456349237387Wow! Miss LB! #KichunaWaKizaramo umependezaje sasa! Yani nguo nzuri sanaaaaaa! Rangi imetulia. ‘Mwanamke usafiri’ ati! Aah! mbona unao wa nguvu ?? safi sana! Ubarikiwe sanaaaaaa!

Mr and Mrs Twaakyondo!

imageMr and Mrs Twaakyondo katika ubora wao! Wakifurahia upepo mwanana wa baharini, ndani ya Bongoland! 2016-02-24 15.12.03Safi sana, too cute! Mungu awabarikiwa mpendane daima ❤❤?

Learn to listen to yourself!

FB_IMG_1456272301520Doctor, don’t worry. I know I am going to die. I didn’t want to come here but they brought me here. Please don’t worry about me, look at my hair, they are gone. I am so old but you are so young. I have learnt a lot from life, if you don’t mind I will tell you some of them before I die………..FB_IMG_1456272274661When I was 4 years, I use to think the world is about me. When I turned 14, I wanted to rule the world. I thought I would be the greatest man that ever lived. When I was 21, I wanted to be the richest man, when I was 25, I wanted to find love, when I was 40, I wanted to be helpful to everyone. Now that I am here, I want to die.

You see, I wanted so many things at so many times. Most importantly, I wanted to be happy. I thought the best way to be happy is to listen to others. When I wanted to enter the University, I wanted to study Zoology but everyone said I should study Engineering that I will be a great Engineer. So I listened to them. I had no one to pay my fees, I had to work and also pay my fees. In my third year, I couldn’t cope with my studies, I had to drop. When I dropped, the same people told me “you should have studied Zoology”! 

When I turned 28, everyone said I should marry. That I needed a wife. So I listened to them, I got married. 6 years into the marriage, I caught my wife sleeping with my neighbour. I asked her why and she slapped me. I was angry and didn’t say anything. The next day I returned from work, she had run away with my children, now I am dying a lonely man. At 40, I got a huge contract. My name was in the news. The next day, all my friends and families were at my house, everyone had a serious problem. Within one week, I spent all the money on them with the promise that they will pay back. I could not complete the contract because they refused to return the money as promised. So I was sent to jail for 6 years. I stayed in jail and I came out. When I came out, they were nowhere. FB_IMG_1456272274661There was one mistake I made through all this time. Now it is clear to me. Let me tell you about it. I refused to listen to myself. I ignored my own self and listen to others. Now that I am here the only person that is with me is myself. You see, it is very good to listen to others. It is very wise to seek advice from others. But it is very dangerous to ignore your own self. It is very very dangerous to refuse to pay attention to your heart. FB_IMG_1456272301520When you get home this night, sit down, take a glass of water. Close your eyes if you want or open it if you want, then talk to yourself, reason with yourself. You can walk down the road alone and as you walk, begin to talk to yourself. The only person that can overrule yourself is God, after God, listen to yourself next. I know it may not make sense to you now but always remember I told you LEARN TO LISTEN TO YOURSELF. 

Author: Unknown, source: Dr. Ben Carson’s Facebook page 

mashahiri ya kwa Obamas’

Kama ulipitwa na mashahiri ya Michelle Obamba kwa mumewe wakati wa Valentine’s Day basi haya hapa ???

On the road: Couple finally together after 26 yrs!

Bado tupo kwa ule mwezi wa “mahaba” basi hizi ni baadhi ya videos ambazo zinaonyesha upendo na furaha………Steve Hartman alikutana na Mia Schand miaka 26 iliyopita (hapo 2014) na baada ya mwaka Steve alihukumiwa kwenda jela kwa kosa la kuuwa kumbe hakufanya kosa lolote. Kwa miaka 26 mpenzi wake amekuwa akiangaika usiku na mchana kuakikisha haki inatendeka, hatimaye aliipata……..

A word of wisdom!


Mother and son moment!

Screenshot_2016-02-21-15-03-27-1Mama na vijana wake. Walinzi wanguvu! Mmependeza sana,  natumaini mlifika safari yenu salama. Ubarikiwe sana.

Usiendeshe maisha kwa majungu!

iStock_000000916688XSmall_crop380w‘Majungu hayajengi!’……….kama majungu yangekuwa mtaji basi kunawatu wangekuwa mabilionea sasa hivi! Lakini tunawaona wako vile vile hata wakipiga hatua 5 mbele leo kesho wanajikuta wamerudi square zero bila wao kujua ni nini haswa kimetokea! wewe kama mtu hajakutendea ubaya wowote kwanini usikilize majungu na kujenga chuki na mtu bila sababu yoyote? Si unyumbu huo?! Penda tabia ya kufanya uchunguzi wako wewe mwenyewe na jifunze kusimamia ukweli hata kama unasimama mwenyewe!  Hii tabia ya kuzushia na kusambaza majungu juu ya watu au mtu si tuu kwa wanawake bali hata wanaume wanayo sana! Nimeshuhudia na kuwa mmoja wa victim wa majungu tena kwa wanaume ambao huwezi amini. If you can’t stand my guts just leave me alone and mind your own business! Mwanaume mzima tena wenye familia/watoto kukaa kwenye simu na magroup ya watsup kutengeneza majungu kwa ajili ya mtu ambaye wewe mwenyewe hukumuona anafaa au ana thamani ya kuwa na wewe (wakati uko busy kila siku kufatilia mambo yake) mimi ndio nawaita “losers!” Loser is a loser haijalishi amesoma kiasi gani au anafanya nini to generate his income. Kama wewe unachukia maendeleo ya mtu yoyote yule then consider yourself a big loser! Watu waliofanikiwa huwa wapo na fikra huru ya kupenda kuona wengine wanafanikiwa.screen-shot-2012-12-27-at-10-51-48-am2Nanyie wanawake (baadhi) ambao mnatumiwa na hawa losers kuumiza wanawake wenzenu just consider yourself the biggest losers of all time! Real strong women don’t do that only losers do! Acheni kuendesha maisha kwa majungu mtafanikiwa zaidi!


Screenshot_2016-02-21-15-14-03-1Huu ni my cousin-brother anaitwa William, mtoto wa marehemu baba mdogo wangu. Nimependa sana muonekano wako ?

Muwe na JumaPili njema


Hot shot of the day

image-5Awwih! My people! My darling babysister Advocate Magreth O.O Igogo and my nephew Evin  (Janeth’s son) nawapenda sanaaaaaa! Naona Evin kachukua tabia ya mama yake ya kunyonya vidole ? I hope ataacha ??2016-02-21 12.08.36

#TBS #MyIronLady

FB_IMG_1456021238779-1Leo nimeamua kurusha back picha ya my Iron lady! Mwanamke ninaye mpenda kuliko wanawake wote hapa duniani! My darling mama! Hapa ni moja ya kanisa la Wasabato Nairobi, Kenya kwenye harusi ya mdogo wangu Advocate Janeth O.O Igogo mwaka 2007. Nakupenda sana mama yangu ? ngoja nikusindikize na huu wimbo kwasababu zangu mwenyewe binafsi ?? …….

???? Zuwena, ningempata wapi ? Zuwena mwingine sawa na yeye ??? Mtoto aliyeumbika, mwenye tabia za kupendeza, ?Zuwena, Zuwena kweli nampenda x2

?? Moyo ulianza kutulia Kukuta Zuwena angali mzima ? Ingawa ana majeraha mengi, Haidhuru mradi namuona ? Zuwena, Zuwena, Zuwena mama, Zuwena bibi ee, kweli nampenda 

??Sijui ningefanya nini Kama Zuwena angenitoweka ? Tumeishi kwa muda mrefu Wote wawili tumezoeana ?? Zuwena, Zuwena, Zuwena bibi kweli nampenda…”