Critic Vs Hate

Human beings are entitled to their opinion, and should be able to freely speak them as long as they articulate their feelings with respect for others. The problem is when people decide to share opinions in a way that is hurting another person’s feelings; that is when “hate” word kicks-in and they become haters! There’s a distinct defined line between critics and hate, you can tell the difference by the tone of their messages regardless if their opinions are positive or negative.

HateSurely not all people are haters, but certainly, there are some people out there spreading a lot of hate in the ‘name of critics.’ If someone truly love and care about what you are doing they will give you what they call “constructive criticism.” Normally people who give constructive criticism they tend to have full knowledge or idea of the situation or the intended matter; so when they criticize they use their knowledge and experience to educate you or enlighten you. Unlike haters, most haters often respond with anger when someone disagrees with their opinion, very insecure that makes them to be in a defensive mode all the time.

Always very unfair and bias, very selective when giving their opinion and crowded with their own personal feelings. The truth is, they want to be like you, they want what you have and since they cannot afford to get it, or there is no way out then the only thing they can do is to constantly criticizing you, because of anger that they have inside their hearts. When comes to someone they like they sugarcoat things to make them look good. I think you noticed I said “like” and not “love” because I strongly believe that haters are the most selfish people in this planet, hardly can they love someone. Sorry if I hurt your feelings I’m just being real!

Some haters will criticize you without giving you alternative of how to go about the situation. These are your friends and family members who always don’t give you a clear answer of anything you ask them. People who always can tell you how bad your idea is but they don’t tell you how to make it right. Them friends and family members who can read your mind, often they don’t bother waiting for you to finish talking before viewing their ridiculous opinions or making conclusion. Sometimes they will try to speed you up with their annoying verbal cues such as “yeah-yeah I know what you are talking about,” “I got it,” I know, I know.” Like they really have the magic way of reading people’s mind and know their feelings! shame!

People like these, normally they will criticize you not because they love you, but because they want to shame you, trying to show you how smarter and knowledgeable they are compared you, that you nothing but a piece of garbage! These are the people who will publicly support you just to protect their image while behind the scene they are nothing but you biggest haters! Often they use their position (e.g friend, sister, blogger, brother, your boss, e.t.c) to emotionally abuse people. You may wonder why?! Well, these are the most insecure and immature people on earth. They got that empty hole in their hearts and trying to fill-it-up buy dragging other people down! Sad, but just pray for them.

Hence, you can stop hate my being true to yourself. Don’t use those weak excuses “I didn’t have choice” because always there’s a choice! Avoid any kind of interaction with them, stay positive. And always surround yourself with people who really matter in your life. Let them know that you know they are haters, but don’t be scared of them as that is giving them power over you. Scaring of haters is giving them power to control your emotions and that isn’t a good thing to do. Use haters as your life-alarm because haters always pay huge attention to our daily lives. Don’t hate them back, and never argue with them as that is what they like most; someone to feed their narcissistic behavior!

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