While the Greatest Country in the world celebrates (Or reluctantly celebrates) Clinton’s win, I will be mourning and celebrating the end of the GREATEST LEGACY I have seen with my own eyes, THE OBAMA LEGACY. The first black man to be President with one of the highest approval ratings ever. A man who picked an ailing economy to easily outmunavre China’s economy leaving the Chinese one in the dust. A man who killed Osama Bin Laden, a man who ensured 90% of Americans are insured, A man who brought unemployment down to 4.9%, a man who helped America get back its high status as a great Natural gas producer and accorded with cheap gas.A man that made us Black men realise if we try harder we can reach the very highest of what we were intended or created for. The Greatest man walking on Earth today. fb_img_1478659262996HUSSEIN OBAMA…THIS MAN HAS MADE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

Source: Gondwe Goole  Facebook 

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