Hongera Mr na Mrs Mandela kwa kufunga ndoa takatifu. Mwenyezi Mungu awe ndio ngao na kimbilio lenu wakati wote. Hongera sana
Mzee Igogo na vijana wake ?? kwa faida ya wasomaji wangu, Mandela ambaye ni bwana harusi yeye ni msaidizi wa wazazi wangu huko nyumbani. Wiki iliyopita siku ya Juma Mosi alifunga ndoa na lazizi wake huko Kibada, Dar, Tz. Waliporudi mzee Igogo naye akajisogeza kupata kumbukumbu japo ilikuwa usiku!
Mdogo wangu Magreth yeye alihudhuria kwa niaba ya familia.
Kwa mara nyingine, hongereni sana.
Category Archives: Couples we like
Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Nyongo
" O God, we thank you that you have given us another year of life together. We thank you for the love which grows more precious and for the bonds which grow more close each day. We thank you for the happiness we have known together; for the sorrows we have faced together; for all the experiences of sunshine and of shadow through which we have come, up to today. Talitha Koum ♡ Happy Anniversary to US #Mr&MrsNyongo# AKA #Son&DaughterofMajorOne#Happy Anniversary, Aidan Nyongo ! I love you deeply!
Dear God, I pray that you would continually bless our marriage! That You would be the center that holds us together. That you would clothe us with You, so that we may continually love & respect one another! Thank-you for bringing us together, & for these precious years we have had the privilege of spending together!To my Valentine on our anniversary! "♡♡♡♡ Mrs Nyongo
Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Nyongo! Mungu azidi wabariki sana, ndoa yenu idumu milele katika Bwana! Ukabarikiwe uzao wenu wote hata kizazi cha tatu na cha nne na wote waingiao ndani ya malango yenu! Happy Valentine's day to you! happy anniversary to you! I love you guys ?
Mr and Mrs Mengi ni Watanzania wakwanza kupata E-passport!
Wamenoga eeh? real man knows how to wear pink ati ?? ......... Mr and Mrs Mengi walipokuwa wamekwenda kuchukua passport mpya za kieletronikia ambazo Rais Dr Magufuli alizizindua juzi! Haya yamefanyika leo majira ya hasubui saa za Africa Mashariki hivyo wamewafungulia mlango Watanzania wengine! ........... Wamependeza sanaaaaa! Haya Jacky njoeni Houston basi ?? ??
Mr and Mrs Kakoschke!
Mr and Mrs Mkandamizaji

Masanja mkandamizaji na Monica wake! Wamependeza sana! Hongereni kwa hiyo zawadi aliyobeba Monica tumboni mwake. Mungu awajalie ajifungue salama na mtoto mwenye afya njema!…..sijui nitabiri ?? natabiri mtoto wa Kiume ??
Mr and Mrs Kimesera katika ubora wao!
Awiiiihh! Wamenoga eeh!! Wow! Super cute, couple yangu ya ukweli hii! Yani wanavutia na kuwapa moyo wengine kuwa True Love still exists ?? Kama wewe ni mgeni basi naomba ujua kuwa hi couple ndio ilikwa my 2016 Hottest And Best Couple Of The Year (SomaHapa). Nawapenda sana ??………Baadaye kuna post inakuja ya kuipongeza LB kwa award waliyo pata. Sasa hivi nipo busy kidogo hivyo naishia hapa!
Winny Edwin Kihore: Living in love
LIVING IN LOVE I once heard about a husband and wife who were so upset after a big argument that they refused to speak to each other. That night, not wanting to be first to break the awkward silence, the man left a note on his wife's side of the bed that read, "wake me up at 6 o'clock in the morning ". The next morning, by the time the husband woke up, it was already 8 o'clock. Furious, he roared, "where is she?" and was about to chew out his wife when he found a note on his side of the bed : "lt's six o'clock; wake up."If we're going to live in love, we have to learn to forgive one another. The Bible says, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger, but instead, forgive. And above all things, put on love. " EPHESIANS 3:17- That we would be "rooted and established in love so that we would have power together with all the saints " when we choose to walk in love, we have the power of God in our lives, as well as healthier relationships. We should always look for the best in each other. That's one of the things l love my husband Edwin Kihore. I used to think that he didn't see the things that l did wrong. Then l realized: it's not that he doesn't see them ; he choose not to focus on them. Let 's learn to walk in love and see the best in everyone. A house divided will fall. That's why it's so important to keep peace in your home. Be the first to apologize. Be quick to forgive. You need to remind yourself that God has put that person in your life, and He's got good things in store. If you will do your part by being kind, respecting one another, treating each other the way you want to be treated, God will do his part, and you can live in love!
The Mengi’s!
The Mengi’s sss baby! The Billionaire himself with his little billionaires and Mrs billionaire katika ubora wao just enjoying some quality time together as a family!! These people smell M-O-N-E-Y all over O’yes! I can smell them through the picture all the way to U.S.A even their skin can testify ?? Pendeza sana wapendwa. Mbarikiwe
Halafu hapo utakuta mume mwingine anakwambia yupo busy na business hata muda na familia hana. Nyie wanaume wa Kibongo embu mchukue somo hapo kutoka kwa Dr Mengi. Humbleness never got out of fashion people!! Be humble!! Be kind!! Be loving!!
“Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution.”
Our family wish you a very blessed Sunday!Word to consider! Never receive counsel from unproductive people. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution. Because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how! Not everyone has a right to speak into your life! We love you all our good friends?
Wapendwa kama mjuavyo mimi ni TV addict but stupidity never entertained me!! Yani huwa na penda show zenye kunielimisha kimwili na kiroho, pia za kunifurahisha lakini siyo show zenye mambo ambayo hayana mana. Sasa mwezi uliopita kwenye OWN channel Oprah akatangaza hii show mpya inaitwa “BlackLoveDoc” ambapo wapenzi/ wanandoa wenye asili ya watu weusi (blacks couple) wanaelezea their love story, parenthood, na challenge walizopitia na how they overcome them. Inahusisha celebrities na watu wakawaida. Yani I literally said to myself, huyu Oprah is reading my mind or what? Kwasababu hiyo ndio nilianzia hapa kwa blog yangu na kila mwaka on Valentine’s day huwa nataja couple of the year!………. Anyway, show ni nzuri sanaaaa! Nimeipenda mno,
Wenye mapenzi ya kweli utawaona tu toka mwanzo, wewe saa kumi asubuhi mtu anapiga simu Kwasababu kasikia kuna Earthquake? Ndugu zangu mliopigwa na Hurricane Harvey mlipokea hata text za pole ?? wahenga walisema kuwa uyaone ??
Show inapatikana kwa YouTube unaweza angalia katika muda wako.
This couple melted my heart!
Awwh! Wamenogaje hawa? Amazing! Yani mpaka mwili umenisisimka! Inapendeza sana mtu na mkewe kupendana ujanani mpaka uzeeni halafu wanamsifu Mungu pamoja, aaaaaah! Safi sana. Kama naona Mr and Mrs O.O Igogo in their 80s ??……..sijui hicho ni kiluga (kabila) gani, lakini inatosha kusema AMEN! Mungu azidi wamiminia baraka zake! ???❣
“Mungu ni mwema”-Mrs Mengi!
Yes my dear, Mungu ni mwema wakati wote! Wakati wote Mungu ni mwema! Enjoy your life Mrs Mengi, and say hello to my Billionaire friend ?? We love you mama na baba wawili ?" when you have something good you don't play with it. You don't take chances with it. You don't take risk with it. When you have something good you give every single thing you can because when you take care of something good that something good takes care of you" 》》》》Michael Baisden
Baba na mama Cookie katika ubora wao!
Mr and Mrs Obama katika ubora wao!
Wow!! Mr and Mrs Obama katika ubora wao ?? Michelle is looking hot ??……wenyewe wana enjoy weekend kwa raha zao! ……..unajua kuna watu wengi haswa Wabongo wana “act” mapenzi yao kama Barack na Michelle bila kujua kuwa hawa hawakuanzia kwenye kula bata na kuvaa nguo ambazo rangi zinaendana NOPE! Walichafuka vumbi kwanza kujijenga financially na kutengeneza “brand” yao! Yes! They knew what they wanted, Obama alijua ndoto yake kubwa ni kuwa kiongozi wa juu wa hii inchi (U.S.A) na Michelle alikuwa anajua anataka a man who will spoil her like crazzzy! Ndio maana katika kumsaidia mumewe ku-achieve his dream Michelle akaacha one of the most highly pay job na kuamua kufanya community work ili kumtengenezea njia mumewe!! Sasa ndoto zilipotimia Mr “lover man” naye akatimiza ahadi yake. He’s spoiling her like crazy and I’m sure he loves it as you can see his ego through his body language ?? Girl it doesn’t come that easily! You have to give all your energy / invest in what you want!! …….I just love them!……….Eti nyie wenzangu mnataka wanaume wa kuanza kuvaa sare ili mpige picha za kuweka kwa social medias wakati bank account inasomeka (-50) ?!! Mapenzi bila pesa hayanogi jamani!! I ain’t a gold-digger but can’t stand a broken lazy nigger!…..just saying!
Michael Baisden Commentary: Sometimes You Have To Love Enough To Let Go
Michael Baisden Commentary: Sometimes You Have To Love Enough To Let Go

Let’s keep it real, we all know when we’re in a situation with someone who doesn’t want what we want? But we selfishly stay with them or allow them to stay connected to us because of what we’re getting out of it. In the end you both lose because neither of you are getting closer to your ideal. And while we claim to love this person we insist on keeping them around just for the sake of satisfying our sexual, emotional or financial needs. And that’s not right. And it’s bad Karma, whether you believe in it or not.
Ordinarily I would post these reflective commentaries at the beginning of the year but for me every day is a new year or at least a new beginning. So, why not begin the month of June by letting go of that person who you know deserves better than you or if you’re the one who’s holding on why not love your partner enough to see the truth, and the truth is you’re not compatible, at least not in the important ways necessary to maintain a healthy relationship.
Or maybe the problem isn’t loving your partner enough, more likely what’s needed is more self-love, more self-respect and more self-esteem. Life is short people and every day that’s wasted on the wrong person is another day less you could be investing in yourself to be prepared for the person who is perfect for you. ~ Michael Baisden.
Happy belated birthday Dr. Mengi!
” happy birthday to the best hubby in the whole world. You have been all I could have asked for in a husband and then some. I love you” JNM
Happy belated birthday to Dr Mengi a.k.a mume ake na Jakiline a.k.a baba twins! Mungu akujalie afya njema na amani tele! Ubarikiwe sana.! ……..wamenoga eeh! Mimi penda wao sanaaa!
The couple we like!
Couple we like: Mr and Mrs Jackson Lyimo!
“If you have to prove it means you really don’t have it. The grace of GOD doesn’t come with stress.”
“If you have to prove it means you really don’t have it. The grace of GOD doesn’t come with stress. If you must go through stress to get attention means you are fooling yourself. When GOD makes you a star you will never struggle to shine. If you have it flaunt it, but if you don’t have it then stop living in pain. Fashion police is equal to mental slavery. Stop going through stress just to be in vogue you can never be faster than life. The antics of today were once upon in vogue. Wear what looks great on you, those who loves you will accept you for who you are. Stop spending the money you don’t have to oppress the people who don’t really matter in your life. Those who truly matter don’t care as long as you’re not walking naked on the street. The only way to cut your coat according to your size is to know your real size. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. There’s no point in wearing expensive designer shoes and then you start walking like SHREK painfully in debts.
The greatest form of slavery is a mental slavery, to be prisoner in your ownn soul while the greatest follishness is to fool yourself, like the blind man who pretends to be sleeping by closing his eyes. Stop trying to fit in to the status you don’t belong, that’s why shoes come in diffrent sizes. Friendship is not a do die. If you must beg people to accept you for who you are means your self esteem is dead. A low self esteem can be cured but there’s never a remedy for a NO self esteem. If their class is too high CHANGE YOUR SCHOOL. Age has nothing to do brain. Growing up and growing old are never the same. Growing old is a mandatory while growing up is optional by choice. Until you fully learn and understand the art of standing alone, you may not have any stand in life. “~~~Akin Al Ameen®™2017
***picha za Mengi’s family has nothing to do with the story. Nimezipenda tu***