??? Cecy anasema Otty mpaka kufa eeh, nami nasema Cecy wangu wakufa na kuzika eeeeh …. usitumie pesa aa kama fimbo kaka mambo ya pesa mpaka makubaluano hapo ndipo pesa huwa na thamani eeh ?? ??? Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite love birds! Mzidi barikiwa mpaka mshangae! ?❤

“Sometime back over four decades ago, I was visiting my old Mum in the village of Utegi, on a date same like today, 17th August.
I had a fully commited heart and desire to go out and look for the better half of me, so that we can pair and share our remaining part of the long walk to Heaven together.
Poor and young as I was, I did not have any other Choice than for that beautiful young girl I knew since 1970, whose home was in the village of Kowak.
During those days there were no telephones, nor did I have any means of transport neither did I have any money to afford bus fare to the ten kilometers distance away from my Village of Utegi. So I remained with only one means of mobility, if I had to make a suprise visit to my choice of life patners homestead, and that was walking on foot to and fro.
Ernegetical with full courage on assumption that she ought be at home, I set my feet on the ground pace after pace, at times I jogged to catch up with time, till I reached Kowak.
Counting on good luck and trust that she would not shame me, I reached the Kumbini shoping Centre of Kowak. I had look for a reliable person to send across to her home, for signaling of my presence and got one young man whom I sent over and eventualy made my mission a successful.
It was on that very same of 17th August over four decades ago when we traditionaly paired as couples to date with my better half named Cecilia.
Our beloved and Mercifull God has blessed our life together with very understanding, humble, highly deciplined and caring four daughters and a son, giving us a marvellous gift of seven grand children to date.
This is not a tell tell or a bed time story, but a true and live background of the Mzee Otieno Igogo and his Spouse Cecilia.”~~ Sir O.O Igogo

“Kijana wangu Boaz (UVCCM) na Mchumba wake walinitembelea jioni ya leo ofisini, na kutuletea Zawadi ya Kumbukizi ya siku yetu na Min Ji (mama). 17.08.2020” *** Sir O.O Igogo

Haya wenye chama chao wamewakilishwa ?? Asante Boaz na wifi yetu. Mbarikiwe sana.