@Regran_ed from @hollietheblogger -There is a REASON why GOD forcefully takes some people off your life and off your lane. Most of the time when this happens, we cry, fight and moan...God why‼️How come? Why me? But In order to prepare you for greatness, God has to get rid of all the barriers and obstacles. God understands that you gat to be free... & completely light... to FLY?
So when God took DP out of the puzzle he knew what he was doing... probably he knew that being best friends will do them good ??♂️? Otherwise if she had forced this love or this relationship... she could be in Pretoria still playing house while the other is all over poking his favourite toy called Lady-Va*** ?? and to be completely honest... SHE COULD NOT HAVE REALISED ALL THIS????and her haters would have missed a chance to see her smile in 3D before they all die?? So NEVER DOUBT THE PROCESS ‼️‼️‼️
#youarewhoyouare #trusttheprocess #itsallgood ? - #regrann **In the picture is Zari the Bosslady with Dr Mathew Knowels the music mogul, the legend, and the man behind Beyonce Knowels success and Beyonce biological father. **All the credit to Holliethgblogger
Category Archives: Zari being Zari #TheBosslady
You go Zari! Is not Christmas yet?!!
Regrann from @hollietheblogger – ??? So I have got a screen shot for our NEW DADDIIEE?♀️.
1. It’s not the riffraff.
2. He’s 6 feet tall with a sexy moustache .
3. He’s fit and actually the muscles ? are real.
4. He a multimillionaire businessman.
5. He’s 37yrs old and has got one child ? a daughter .
6. He’s definitely not Tanzanian?
7. The Boss-lady was on a date yesterday and they went for a gateway weekend in Cape Town..Sorry KAMPALA I mean???They are still kissing and cuddling all loved up this morning. She’s so tired after passionate weekend that’s why she’s MIA??
8. I hear he’s mature and has met the kids and his daughter has bonded with Tiffa straight up??♂️.
9. If all goes well you will meet him by end of the year???.
10. He’s crazy about her and can’t wait for the world to know.
It took me more than an hour to get that information and my pastor don’t lie. He’s sees what I see? –
Regrann from @hollietheblogger – My eyes look weary and tired because they have been all loved and looked into all nite? They have been up all night because they were amazed and wide open looking at this incredible love staring at me.
My lip are so juicy and tender? So juicy because they have been massaged all night. They have been passionately attended to.??.
My body is all fluffy and jolly like jolof rice because a son of a man has squeezed stress out of it and Tendered it with smooth touches and rolled it left, right and centre…What can I say I have moved on and my smilling eyes, my excited lips and my body SAY IT all.???

Hackers and Zanzibar prophetess please stay away… kekeke I am a doctor I know how to increase and reduce pain. Na this be reduction from all the wahala and bullishit. .. bring on another Tiffa I will baby sit abeg she needs a partner in crime to help her disturb those boys??? – #regrann
***All the credit to Hollieth blogger***
Regrann from @hollietheblogger - I SWEAR THERE WILL NEVER BE A PHOTOCOPY? THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER OR A BETTER FEMALE WARRIOR THAN @zarithebosslady ?? IF THERE WAS A WAY I COULD PAINT OFF THAT VOMIT ? FROM HER LIFE I WOULD ‼️‼️I hope there is a 12month ban in place so we can just focus on her growth and her life without any silly or stupid distractions. God I am on my knees please mysteriously delete any Tiffa and Nillan’s videos or pictures from LU-rope’s camera ? Abeg ??♂️‼️‼️ #temporarypost? - #regrann
Happy Father’s Day the Bosslady and all single Mothers out there!
Regrann from @zarithebosslady – Happy father’s day to me, the late Don and all the women playing both roles. We are the real MVPs….. gone but you still here for us in all possible ways. We miss you! – #regrann
May I extend my sincere wishes to all single mothers around the world, Happy Father’s Day to you single mothers! Have been there, done it! #SingleMom So I truly understand what Zari is saying. Some people love to be called “Father” but have no clue what it takes to raise a child! One needs to nurture that child to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially! 100% provider, 100% supporter, 100% gurdian, 100% protector of your children if you want to be called Father!! When you plant a seed somewhere you need to take care of it to grow, you need to nurture it! Sio unapandikiza mbegu halafu unakuja kuitizama baada ya miezi mitano, kwani nani ni “shamba boy” wako umemuacha akutunzie???! These are human being need their father to father them!! Children are not toys don’t use them for show-off !! Happy Father’s Day to all single mothers and all single Fathers in this world! You rock!
Yes! You go Zari, we’re very proud of you!
Regrann from @zarithebosslady –
Wapendwa wangu Sina cha Kuwalipa Zaidi ya kusema ASANTENI sana kwa 4M followers. Ninyi Ni Ma Ndugu kwangu, Mmekua Nami Bega Kwa Bega Kwenye Shida na Raha. Sasa Mnichiangieni $1 kila mtu tujenge clinic ya wanawake sehemu yoyote dar, Najua tukiipata Baba Magufuli atatupa kiwanja....?? #JustSaying PENDA SANA NYINYI.❤ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4M. LOVE YOU ALL? - #regrann
Yes! That's my lady! Let support our Bosslady, the real Major General! Mimi naanza kwa dola kumi ($10 ), haya baba yangu Dr John Pombe Magufuli tunaomba kiwanja hicho tena kiwe kule maeneo ya Kigamboni, au Kibada, au Mbagala ?? somewhere in Temeke District au Kigamboni please. Zari fungua hizo account watu waanze kumimina hizo pesa please! This is great! And we will call it Zarina Hassan Women Clinic ???? Jamani ni dola moja tu ($1) kwa kila mtu hatushindwi! Ila unaruhusiwa kuchangia zaidi ya hapo! Okowa maisha ya mwanamke uokoe jamii!! Mungu atubariki wote ?
Acha kuhisi hisi mambo hasa kama hayakuhusu!
Regrann from @zarithebosslady - World's greatest ignorance 'ASSUME'ASS/U/ME assuming makes you and me an ass. ..... let's stop ASSUMING things!!!!! With assuming comes, judging, untruthful accusation and all sorts of things. If you have a functional brain, read through the lines! #Unapologetic - #regrann
Lazima uwe na IQ ya A+ kuelewa huu ujumbe lasivyo utabidi uhisi hisi vitu usivyo vijua undani wake. Kuhisi ni chanzo cha dhambi nyingi! Ndio maana wanasema kuwa HISIA sio kitu cha kuchezea! Mtu anaweza akahisi kuwa wewe ni muhuni na akaweka akilini kabisa kuwa fulani muhuni. Hiyo inamaana wamesha kuhukumu kuwa wewe ni muhuni pasipo na uwakika wa akihisicho!! Mbaya zaidi nipale atakapo anza kuhisisha wengine kuwa wewe ni muhuni #majungu na wao kuamini hisia za uongo! Matokeo yake unajikuta mnahukumu na hata kusababisha kifo cha mtu kwa Kuhisi!! Mungu atusaidie hasa sisi Watanzania tuachane na dhambi ya kuhisi hisi mambo kwani hii dhambi inaitafuna taifa!! #World's greatest ignorance 'ASSUME'
“I always knew I wanted the good life, like I wont even lie about it”
Regrann from @zarithebosslady - WCW inspirational moment: I always knew I wanted the good life, like I wont even lie about it but then again dont we all? Well, at 30 I was already employing 258 employees and that alone on its own made me grow up mentally. The responsibility that comes with managing companies in a foreign country where you are always targeted as a foreigner least i forget the tight competition especially if your on top of your game wasnt easy...... so whatever you do, do it with passion.
Fall down 99 times, get up the 100th. One day, and I say it again one day, the universe will respond. #Persistence #Consistence (See my life at 30, huge office with a personal boardroom?) me and Don started out in 2 offices, one PA, had just abit of ideas, got experts on board which we couldn't afford but they saw potential in us, did our logos which will forever remain a trademark and here is our recognized brand in the whole of SA www.brooklyncitycollege.co.za - #regrann
Awiih! That's my gal! My true inspiration. The real BossLady. Hakuiba kwa mume wa mtu akuuuu mtoto wa watu! Katafuta masiki mwenzake wakaanza kusaga visigido!! #I'mTheFoundationNotTheRoof ......I want good life too and hope to catch up with your achievement though I am in my 40s! Don't look down on me only God sits that high ? ??..... You go Zari! Keep winning! Keep shinning!
Zari Hassan: I am The FOUNDATION Not The Roof
Regrann from @zarithebosslady - Pale unaposkia pesa za urithi... apo vipi. Success isnt sexually transmitted my dear. Endeleeni kudanga thinking some rich guy will knock you off your feet and success will happen over night. Even if he did you will be like part of the furniture he has a right to take out old ones and bring in new ones, as for me its not easy to get rid of me. IAM THE FOUNDATION not the roof...haha.
Anyway we are commemorating Ivans one year since his passing and i thought I'd motivate someone out there with these old images.
Dont downlook broke guys, God is for all, tables turn! Poor thing worked day and night to get me this car at 22 because he saw the woman in me. And yes, it didnt work out no matter how much i tried, Started from the bottom, right! Rest his soul in peace! - #regrann
Ni maneno mazito sana kaandika Zari katika kukumbukumbu ya mwaka mmoja tangu kifo cha Ivan Ssemwanga ambaye alikuwa mume wake na walijaliwa kupata watoto watatu. Ujumbe huu mzuri sana kwa wale wanaofikiria na kutwa kumsakama Zari kuwa anafuataga pesa kwa wanaume aliokua nao. Haya ushahidi huo mmeuona sasa muache kumsakama mtoto wa watu na mumpe heshima yake anayostahili!! Jibu safi sana kawapa "I am the FOUNDATION not the Roof"?? Ten ? across the board!! Ngoja leo niseme; katika wanawake wote ninaowapenda kwenye Social media kwakweli I have to sincerely admit Zari is number one!! Nikiangalia alipotoka na mambo aliyopitia, na jinsi anavyo yakabili kwakweli she is MORE than 'Woman and half'!! Hivi utawezaje kuvunja Msingi!! Kama ni nyumba inamaana lazima greda lipite nyumba yote idondoke ndio ufutilie mbali Msingi! Only fools do that!!!
Kama mnakumbuka huko nyuma niliwahi kuandika kuwa kuna wanawake wengine huwezi kupata "mbadala wake" you can not replace her no matter what (soma ? In loving memory of Ivan Ssemwanga: "I think I was prepared for death") na Zari ni one of those very few women! Yani kama vile Oprah, hakutakaa kutokee Oprah mwingine duniani! Wengine watajaribu kuwa kama yeye lakini they will never be her! Sio kwasababu ni wazuri wasura na maumbile, hapana! Is the Brain, the courage, behind that beauty is a whole game changer ma'am!! Unfortunately I have to say this, with all due respect to Ivan Ssemwanga, but he was part of Zari's journey and not the destiny!! The best of Zari is yet to come!! So do Diamond, yale yalikuwa ni mapito tuu lakini safari ya Zari inaendele na ni nzuri zaidi kuliko alivyokuwa na Diamond!! Just keep watching her. Yani naamini hata Diamond huko aliko anajuta sana kimoyo moyo kwani anajua kuwa hata hafanyeje haitokaa apate mwanamke kama Zari. Atapata hao wauza sura wakupenda drama na ujinga wa social media but not another Zari! He was just soooooo lucky to have Zari on his hands! Na bahati haiji mara mbili! Kwanza Zari sasa hivi ndio mambo ??? Keep on shining Zari! ? ❤ #IamTheFoundationNotTheRoof
Zari Hassan: Success is not sexually transmitted
Wow! Word of centuries!! "Success is not sexually transmitted" kila mtu apambane na hali yake!! Hata ukiwa na mwanaume au mwanamke mwenye akili ya maendelo kama kichwa chako hakipo sawa yani hata ulale naye huyo mtu miaka na miaka hauta kuwa yeye!! Kama uwamini kamulize Gardner Habbash ??? (just kidding)...... Jamani ukimpata mtu mwenye akili ya maendelo basi nawe unaongezea na zako!! Chuki wala roho mbaya haisaidii!! #SucessIsNotSexuallyTransmitted ? ? ? ?Regrann from @zarithebosslady - I repeat, success is not sexually transmitted!!! - #regrann
Yes! Zari goes to church!
Regrann from @zarithebosslady – All my days are for God, but Sunday I go all out…. #Church – #regrann
Hayo ni maneno yake Zari Hassan the Bosslady kupitia Instagram page yake. I am happy for you Zari keep that spirit God is everything! I hope one day you will warship on Sabbath with me here in Houston or you want me to come to South Africa? I can ??…. Bwt, you look Amazing! ? Be blessed mama Tee ?❤
Zari Hassan: Next time someone tells you you can’t, look them in the eye and tell them you can
Regrann from @zarithebosslady - Next time "someone tells you you can't, look them in the eye and tell them you can? ? @bless_dollar cc @slidevisuals #SoftCareDiaper Brand Ambassador"Hayo ndio maneno yake Zari the Bosslady yakiambatana na picha ☝ huko kwa Instagram page yake. Maneno mazuri sana kumwambia mtu ambaye alitegemea au alitamania kukuona ukiwa chini unalia muda wote na kuwa hautaweza kufuta machozi na kuwatazama tena machoni! Zari is such a fighter! Unbelievable!
Inaelekea Zari alikuja Bongoland ki business zaidi. Aliingia Bongoland kwa style ya kimya kimya na kuondoka kimya kimya isipokuwa wale wanao safiri kwa kupitia mlango wa VIP na business lounge ndio walio bahatika kumuona. Hiyo siyo style yake ambayo watu tumezoa kumuona akiingia nayo Bongoland lakini mimi binafsi nimeipenda sana! It sends a bold statement but in a classy way!
Regrann from @hoycetemu - Scoop with @zarithebosslady coming soon @miminatanzania - #regrann Naam! Hayo ni maneno yake Malkia wa nguvu, mama wa Mimi na Tanzania Hoyce Temu pale alipokutana na BossLady kwenye VIP / business lounge ya JKN International airport. Tunaisubiria hiyo interview kwa hamu sana, simnajua hawa siyo wanamake wa spoti spoti eeh ?
Regrann from @hoycetemu - Chum chum @zarithebosslady for @princess_tiffah ?. Bibie amekaribishwa SA kumeet with Tiffah basi tafran tupu. ?? ?? - #regrann aah! Rubby naye alikuwepo ??. Jamani huko kwa Madiba mnaalikana wenyewe tu? Haya basi karibuni Houston ?
Wakati the so called "celebrities" wa Bongoland wako busy kugombania wanaume na kutafuta kiki zisizo na kichwa wala miguu mwenzao Zari yupo busy ku sign mikataba ya pesa mbele ya macho yao ?? Kweli akili ni nywele kila mtu ana zake! Oops! Nimesahau wao huwa wanavaa mawigi ?? Haya wale wenye Masters sijui ya vyuo gani vile ?? mnamuona mama Tee?! Indeed, success is the best revenge ?? Hongera Bosslady. ?❤
If someone shows you that he can live without you, show him that you were born without him
Regrann from @zarithebosslady "if someone shows you that he / she can live without you, show him that you were born without him/ her ???- Mama 5 ?.... Stay humble but keep an inner beast that doesn't back down.? - #regrann
Siku zote kuwa mtu wa kujinyenyekeza lakini usikubali kuwa mtumwa katika jambo lolote lile! Usikubali kumfanya binadamu mwenzio kuwa "Mungu mdogo" Yani bila yeye maisha yako hayaendi wakati ulizaliwa kutoka kwenye viungo cha mama yako ukiwa mwenyewe kwa uwezo wa Mungu aliye juu! Hata kama unampenda mtu kiasi gani epuka kumwambia kuwa I can't live without you! Huo ni uwongo uliuopitiliza kwani watu wanafiwa na watoto zao na bado wanaishi baada ya mazishi! Sasa huyo mwanaume au mwanamke ambaye mmekutana ukiwa unajua mema na mabaya ana nini haswa cha kukufanya ushindwe kuishi bila yaye?! Pia kumfanya mtu kuwa nimuhimu sana kiasi cha kugharimu maisha yako inamaana umemuweka huyo mtu katika nafasi ya Mungu! Na hiyo ni dhambi! I love yoy but I love you enough to let you go! Usikubali kuwa mtumwa kwa mtu asiye kujali au kudhamini utu wako. "if someone shows you that he / she can live without you, show him that you were born without him /her"! Kama wakionyesha kuwa uwepo wako au kutokuwepo kwako hakuadhiri kitu chochote katika maisha yao basi nawe huna budi kuwakumbusha kuwa ulizaliwa bila wao kuwepo!
Zari Hassan: I have decided to end my relationship with Diamond, as my RESPECT, INTEGRITY, DIGNITY & WELL BEING cannot be compromised
@Regranned from @zarithebosslady - Understand that this is very difficult for me to do. There have been multiple rumors some with evidence floating around in ALL SORTS of media in regards to Diamond’s constant cheating and sadly I have decided to end my relationship with Diamond, as my RESPECT, INTEGRITY, DIGNITY & WELL BEING cannot be compromised. We are separating as partners but not as parents. This doesn’t reduce me as a self-made individual, and as a caring mother, and the boss lady you have all come to know. I will continue to build as a mogul, I will inspire the world of women to become boss ladies too. I will teach my four sons to always respect women, and teach my daughter what self-respect means. Unlike many, I’ve been in the entertainment industry for 12 years, and through all my challenges I came out a victor because I am a winner, and so are all of you Zari supporters. HAPPY VALENTINE'S - #regrann
Zarinah Hassan: We have been created so different, the type of humans who can multi task
“There is so much in a woman that most people don’t know. We have been created so different, the type of humans who can multi task. A man can watch a game and not hear what one said while a woman can watch a movie and still hear, still know the stove is on, and so on (the list is endless). So here is to all the multi tasking women juggling through life as mothers, wives, momprenuers aka business women, caregivers and many more. You are appreciated! It’s all about knowing what comes 1st #prioritize. Salute? help me tag one woman who inspires you. @lukambaofficial ?” ——-Zarinah Hassan
Lieutenant Major General ndani ya jiji la Dar!
Yessss!! The Lieutenant Major General of Tanzania and Uganda ndani ya jiji la Dar es salaam! And Paparazzi couldn’t give her a space!! ?? I guess they missed her so badly ?? …………
You go Zari!! Tell them you have been and always will be the “Queen of the castle”! Nawaache mfanye kazi! hizi zama za Mgufuli ni mambo ya #Hapa kazi tu! hakuna hela za mission town ?? ……… BTW, I love they way you have decided to separate your platforms! Msaidiane katika kila jambo but don’t step on each other platform! Na maswala ya mapenzi weka private unless you want to share with me ???? please msininyime hizo love story zenu ??
Okay!! Major General, what is real going on?!
First of all, I love your conservative-modesty look! Umependeza sana but nywele not feeling it lol!………
Secondly, what is really going on Major General!?! So many rumors are going on, from “it might be over” to ” DNA has proven the baby boy is not his”!! As your fans we really deserve to know the truth, only from your mouth! And some of us don’t do “snapchat” thus better be an interview or. Live Instagram video ?? Please, we need to hear from you!
“good things come to those who hustle” ~~~~~ Major General
The Queen herself!…….. Ujumaa njema/ weekend njema wapendwa!

Nawatakieni Ijumaa njema na weekend mjema. Embu tufunge wiki na hizi picha za Queen, the one and only one BossLady! Pendeza sana ❤❤…………Sorround yourself with love, wenye roho za kwanini kaeni nao mbali lakini msiwasahau kuwaombea! Continue reading The Queen herself!…….. Ujumaa njema/ weekend njema wapendwa!
Yesss! BossLady! Don’t let her over-shine you! Just keep Queening!
“Am such an early morning person as some can see on my snap, usually up by 5am. Let’s start this day on a different note, shall we? Ladies and gentlemen I’ve heard you loud and clear, the advises, the consolation, the pity, the hurt you feeling on my behalf most of all the betrayal. But let’s look at this on the positive side. When a person chooses to cheat on you it’s not YOU actually its THEM which usually turns out that they played themselves while they thought they are playing you. You should never look down on yourself, don’t ever think you are worthless because of another person’s mistake & never blame yourself. But always look at how to pick yourself up and get going. That said, with my birthday approaching let’s put all this negative energy behind us and appreciate, LIFE! ?”
Yes! You Go Zari!! Don’t let her over-shine you! You have been a Queen way before her and CROWNS ARE A GIFT FROM GOD, THEY ARE CUSTOM MADE!! NO ONE CAN FIT ON YOUR CROWN BABY!! IT GOT YOUR NAME WITH IRREMOVABLE SIGNATURE FROM GOD!! Just keep Queening!! I love you even more!! ❤❤❤❤ Birthday loading huh ?? shame on them ?? And Diamond ataembea kwa magoti mpaka South Africa?!! let them cry and their heart bleed badly ??????
Je, Zari ataweza kubeba “bendera” za nchi mbili!?!
Katika Biblia kuna maneno yanasema ‘hakuna mtu awezae kutumikia mabwana wawili’! Yani kiufupi lazima mmoja utampendelea na mwingine utamuonea kwa mapenzi ya uwongo! Sasa, wote tumeshuhudia maisha ya Zari na Ivan mpaka kuachana kwao. Lakini pamoja na hayo Ivan bado hakuona mtu mwingine ambaye angefaa kulinda mali zake, watoto wake, na kuhakikisha kuwa his Legacy forever lives zaidi ya Zari. Na Zari mwenyewe kwa mdomo wake alitamka mbele ya kadamnasi siku ya mazishi ya Ivan Ssemwanga (SomaHapa) kua atavaa viatu vya Ivan Ssemwanga, kwani yupo tayari, anaona kama she was prepared enough for it!! Na kwamba she will do it for his boys, his family, friends, and his legacy!
Swali ambalo ninajiuliza will Zari be able to be a “flag bearer” for the two men from different countries?! Can she honestly, sincerely, and lovingly serve the “two masters”! ……..Personally, I’m not sure but very curious to see how will this go down considering one of her “men” is still living and 100% involving in her life!………Will Zari disappoint many or will she continue to shine and come-out as a shero? Will this be Zari’s downfall as she may lose some sort of “respect” from Ugandans who are / were hardcore fans of the “Rich Gang” particularly The Don- Ivan Ssemwanga?! Will Watanzania accept Zari and give her 100% support to carry their flag as Diamond’s wife especially after his bizarre behaviors of abusing and disrespecting women!?! Remember “The B**** is dying for fame” and “the baby is not mine”! And finally, the boys are growing up, one day they will have bunch of questions to ask! How will her children feel? Will they feel a sense of betrayal from their own mother; the only living parent?!
Can’t get any better than this!! I will surely keep up with the story. And You be the judge!