Category Archives: Relationship Advice

Zari please watch this (Iyanla fix my life with Evelyn Lozada)!

Zari, this is all for you. I want you to take a moment and watch these clips or you can watch the whole episode on YouTube and see if you can relate yourself to Evelyn Lozada or learn something worthy to apply in your life! I see the “bling bling ” is off again! Not sure for how long will it be this time!!

Wishing you the best. Love you always!!

“I Esther Akoth will never date a celebrity”

this kind of men steal my heart , not social media addicts who worship the no of followers , likes and comments , I told my daughters , I would be happy if you introduce your boyfriend as , ( mum meet my new catch he is a farmer ) but if you tell me he is a celebrity , am out , you will end up funding a lifestyle which will render you broke , I Esther Akoth will never date a celebrity , unless he has some brains & willing to grow, or he is damn rich, but just because he is famous ???? fame can only take you as far as getting free and easy sex, business class tickets , favours , but no stable income , the rest you pay , think !!! my opinion , good morning peeps ??

“Usimuingize mtu shimoni kwa shida na STRESS zako” ~~~~ Zamaradi Mketema.

Wengi wanatamani harusi ila wanasahau kuna maisha ya NDOA baada ya harusi, hivyo Kabla ya kukubali maombi ya mtu hakikisha umeridhika na yote juu yake mazuri na mabaya maana ndio unayoenda kupambana nayo MILELE. Usifurahie kusema I DO bila kujua unakubali kitu gani, unapokubali pale humkubali yeye tu ila yeye na matatizo, vimbwangwa, kasoro na kila alichonacho. 

Lakini inavyoonekana Karibu wengi wako tayari kuvaa shela huku mengine wakijipa moyo kujuana nayo mbele kwa mbele, wanachosahau ndoa sio kitu cha mchezo wala majaribio, ndoa inahitaji UTAYARI na sio kukurupuka. Usiolewe kwakuwa rafiki yako ameolewa huenda yeye amepata mtu sahihi hivyo isikufanye udandie yeyote alie mbele kumbuka kila mtu ataishi nyumba yake Usiolewe kwakuwa umri wako umekata kona, badala ya kupata pumziko unaweza jikuta unamalizia uzee wako vibaya na uchungu mwingi kwa kuparamia tu ukajuta maisha yote Usiolewe kwakuwa umezaa na mtu, kama si mtu sahihi UBABA hauwezi kumbadilisha kwa namna yeyote. 

Usiolewe kwa msukumo wa wazazi, utakapoingia kwenye ndoa kama ni furaha itakuwa ya kwako na kama huzuni utasema nayo mwenyewe wao kazi yao itakuwa maneno tu ambayo hayatakuwa yanasaidia chochote kwa wakati huo. Na wala usiolewe kwakuwa EX kaoa, yeye amepata alieridhika nae na sio dhambi, sasa wewe okota tu yyeyote KUKOMOA, humkomoi mtu na utaisoma mbele kwa mbele OLEWA kwakuwa uko TAYARI na umeridhika kwa HALI YOYOTE ALIYONAYO. Kwenye harusi utakuwa special kupitiliza lkn baada ya pale usitegemee uspecial uendelee, na zaidi hakuna wa kupoteza muda kila siku na nyinyi kwenye ndoa kama walivyokuwa wanapoteza? kwenye vikao vya harusi hivyo lazima ujue jinsi ya kusimama na ya kwako. Kwenye harusi kuna michango kwenye ndoa hakuna wa kukuchangia, JIPANGE. 

lakini KUBWA hakikisha unaeingia nae kwenye ndoa UNAMPENDA KWA DHATI maana ndie utalala na kuamka nae kwa muda wote wa maisha yako, sasa kama utaamua kujibana kwa usiempenda kwa ajili ya visababu fulani jua hujiumizi wewe pekee ila utaitesa hata nafsi ya anaekupenda isiyo na hatia kwa kumfanyia YASIYOSTAHILI maana hutaweza kuigiza milele, kumbuka Hakukuoa ili ATESEKE, usimuingize mtu shimoni kwa shida na STRESS zako. Mwisho ni ADHABU KWAKO pia.


Mr and Mrs Ridhiwani, wamependeza sana! ?
MOYO ULIOJERUHIWA DAWA YAKE NI FARAJA kama huwezi kuwa faraja kwa mwenzi wako basi ujue husitahili kupewa nafasi hata ya kumwambia HABARI... Maana halisi ya mahusiano ni wawili kunia mamoja, Huwezi kuwa MUME wake kama huwezi kuwa rafiki kwake, Kuifikia heshima ya MUME ipo ngazi inayokubidi kuipanda nayo ni "HURUMA" Mtu ambaye hana huruma hawezi kujuwa vile mwenza wake anaumia, Mtu asiye na huruma hawezi kujikosoa, Mtu asiye na huruma hawezi kujifunza maumivu ya mwingine, Mtu asiye na huruma hajui kabisa KUHESHIMU! Na mtu huyo hata mwenza wake akilia mbele yake yeye hufurahia na kujiona mshindi, Mtu asiye na HURUMA NI KATILI tena amejawa dharau na majigambo, ni mwenye kujihesabia haki muda wote... lakini pamoja na yote hayo MWANAMKE NI MVUMILIVU wala asiyekata tamaa akijenga tumaini kuwa MUMEWE ATABADILIKA wakati huo akiendelea kuumia na kulia kila kukicha, Baadaye unakuta Mwanaume huyo amemuolea Mwanamke mwingine lakini mwanamke huyo anahamia kanisani kumlilia MUNGU ili amrejeshe mumewe, Lakini mumewe hubeza na kumwambia anapoteza muda huko makanisani mnakwenda kujifunza umbea, Still Mwanamke huyo yupo tu! MOYO wa Mwanamke ni MTAMBO... Wallah wakiungana wanawake wanne kwa uvumilivu wao ni KIWANDA???

** Writen by: Elista Relief Heart ..........Picha ya Ridhiwani na mkewe haihusiki na story hii! Nimependa tu! **

“Go where you’re CELEBRATED. NOT where you’re TOLERATED.”

No matter how sweet your voice is, never sing where nobody wanna hear your voice. No matter how good your intentions are, never ever force kindness on people against their wish. Stop going to places where your presence is never APPRECIATED. Go where you're CELEBRATED. NOT where you're TOLERATED. Respect everyone but never ever forget that you're equally important. Never beg anyone to accept you into thier lives. If you have to beg them to come, you will always beg then to stay. Until you master and understand the art of standing alone, you may never have any STAND in life. Be friendly to everybody but never try to be everybody's friend. The moment you decide to be friends with everybody, your value starts dropping.

Always remember........
Not everybody deserve to sit in the front row to watch the movie of your life. Be open but don't be loose. Akin Al-Ameen®™2017

“watu wema wengi huishia kuwa na sifa ya UBAYA vinywani mwa watu lakini kwa kuwa MUNGU NDIE ANAELIPA!!”>>>> Zamaradi Mketema

Tenda wema unavyotenda, kuwa mwema unavyokuwa, mpende binaadamu unavyoweza, muoneshe kumjali kupitiliza, niamini kitu kidogo kitamsahaulisha yote makubwa tena hakuna ajabu kukuta kinachomfanya akuone mbaya ni haki yako, hakuna anaefanya jema kwa mtu ili alipwe, ila kuna ile hali ya KUONA na kuthamini juhudi anazofanya mtu ambapo hiyo inapokosekana ndio unakuta mtu unakuwa dissapointed kwa namna fulani, maana mara nyingine mtu unatoka hadi nje ya njia zako kumridhisha mtu ama hata kujinyima mara nyingine ili wengine wafurahi hata kama ni kwa kidogo, huenda ndio uwezo wako ulipoishia, lakini hakuna hisia mbaya na zinazoumiza kama kujihisi HUTOSHI ama huna unachofanya hasa kwa mtu ambae deep down unajua unafanya nini na unajali kiasi gani. Nilichogundua ukiwa mwema sana unaowafanyia mara nyingi wanakuonea, watakugandamiza, wata-take advantage of you na zaidi watavuka hadi mipaka yako mara nyingine hata kwa vile vitu vya kutumia tu akili, kiufupi watafanya hadi yale ambayo kihalali wasingeweza kuvumilia kufanyiwa na watu wengine na ukiongea ni KOSA, unakuwa mbaya, tena mara nyingine unaweza hata ukanuniwa, wanataka hata wanapokugandamiza unyamanze UKAE KIMYA hata kama ni haki yako kuongea. Ikikutokea usiumie na wala usiache kutenda pale inapostahili, watu wema wengi huishia kuwa na sifa ya UBAYA vinywani mwa watu lakini kwa kuwa MUNGU NDIE ANAELIPA!! Usiache kujitoa, uzuri yupo na ANAONA!!

“Wanawake FAITHFUL hapa Tanzania wako 16 tu….!”

WANAUME huwa tunatamani sana kupata WIFE MATERIAL lakini cha ajabu tukiwapata tunawatafutia visa vya ajabu visivyoeleweka wakati tuliwatafuta wenyewe............
Ukiona Mwanamke ana WIVU NA WEWE, anakufuatilia mambo yako, uko wapi, umekula, umekula nini, umekula saa ngapi, kwanini hujalala, kwanini umepiga picha na mdada asiyemjua, kwanini hujamtafuta nusu saa, kwanini uko Online Whatsapp lakini haumtext, TUNAANZA KULALAMIKA, "Oh huyu Mwanamke ana wivu sana mi siwezi"
Mwanamke mwenye Wivu SHE IS IN LOVE........SHE IS LOYAL........SHE IS FAITHFUL
Hawa makurumbembe tunaowapenda kisa hawatusumbui wote WEZI NA WAONGO TU, they are after something, Kwao Mapenzi ni rahisi kama kuagiza RED BULL BARIDI Wanawake FAITHFUL hapa Tanzania wako 16 tu, kama umempata mmoja kati ya hawa MSHIKILIE, NA MPENDE SANA, USIMTIBUE.......Akiondoka huyo utapata Bata la Uswahilini, hata uuchune SIKU 2 na yeye hakutafuti, utabakia na Majuto while She is Gone na amempata aliyeona thamani yake........

Cheka urefushe maisha yako….. #No romance without finance

 Eti wataalamu wanasema hivi, msichana anapo muuliza mwanaume kuhusu namna anavyo endesha maisha yake kiuchumi haimfanyi kuwa mwanamke mwenye tamaa au kupenda makuu, hapana! Huyo ni mwanamke mwenye akili nzuri / timamu! Kwani hata wao wanaume wasingependa kuona binti zao wanaolewa na wanaume Mburulaz ??? Yakwamba wanatakiwa wawajali wanawake wengine kama ambavyo wangependa mabinti zao watendewe na wanaume wengine! Hakuna pesa hakuna mahaba ??? kuna topic nyingine kasema kama mwanaume hawezi kumudu kununua pete ya ndoa basi huyo mwanaume hawezi imudu ndoa achana naye ???  ee shughuli pevu maana mie nimempenda mmeba mabox mwenzangu ??? Duh! Mapenzi ya mwendo kasi yana kazi kweli! >>>>>>> "She's not a gold digger for wanting to know how you make your living. She's smart! You wouldn't want your daughter to marry a BROKE man either. Fellas!!! Do unto other women as you would have other men do unto your daughter(s). ?? No romance without finance. ?" AskcheyB

He said, ‘You are asking a lot. She replied, “I’m worth a lot!”

"In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question: 'What kind of man are you looking for?' She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye & asking, 'Do you really want to know?' Reluctantly, he said, 'Yes. She began to expound, 'As a woman in this day & age, I am in a position to ask a man what can you do for me that I can't do for myself? I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man... or woman for that matter. I am in the position to ask, 'What can you bring to the table?' The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money. She quickly corrected his thought & stated, 'I am not referring to money. I need something more. I need a man who is striving for excellence in every aspect of life. He sat back on the couch, folded his arms, & asked her to explain. She said, 'I need someone who is striving for excellence mentally because I need conversation & mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded man. I need someone who is striving for excellence spiritually because I don't need to be unequally yoked...believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster. I need a man who is striving for excellence financially because I don't need a financial burden. I need someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded. I need someone who has integrity in dealing with relationships. Lies and game-playing are not my idea of a strong man. I need a man who is family-oriented. One who can be the leader, priest and provider to the lives entrusted to him by God. I need someone whom I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive...he just has to be worthy. And by the way, I am not looking for him...He will find me. He will recognize himself in me. He may not be able to explain the connection, but he will always be drawn to me. God made woman to be a help-mate for man. I can't help a man if he can't help himself. When she finished her spill, she looked at him. He unfolded his arms and sat there with a puzzled look on his face. He said, 'You are asking a lot. She replied, "I'm worth a lot!" >>>>> Bishop Larry Boyd


Pete ya ndoa ni pingu ndogo, chagua mfungwa mwenzio kwa makini!

Mr and Mrs Mali Kimesera katika ubora wao! Wamependeza eeh! Hadi raha sana! Wamechaguana, wakawezana!............... Sasa ninekutana na hii msg nikaipenda:>> Eti kuwa pete ya ndoa ni pingu ndogo sana ambayo ni ya umilele hivyo tafakari sana. Chagua mfungwa mwenzio kwa makini na ujihukumu kwa busara ili kuhepuka  kutoroka gerezani! ???? #ChapterClosed  >>>>>>> "Wedding rings are the smallest handcuffs ever.  So think deep. Choose your prison mate carefully and sentence yourself wisely to avoid any prison break." Bishop Larry Boyd

Make no mistake about it…..!

"Don't give anybody privileges and rights without responsibilities. The mind cannot handle being afforded privilege without purpose. Make no mistake about it, whatever is earned cannot be mistaken for free, cheap or easy. Giving a grown person free privileges is like giving a baby a razorblade. Just because somebody wants to hold you does not mean that they can handle the responsibilities that come with you."~~~Bishop Larry Boyd

Ladies!~~~~not everyone is able to go where you are going……!

"LADIES!...... not everyone is able to go where you are going & there's no reason to hold on to someone that don't want to be held. Sometimes you have to cut the ropes & sail on to deeper waters... alone! And those who are not with you will just have to paddle back to shore!" ~~~~Bishop Larry Boyd

Is that you?!

Mr and Mrs Lyimo
A man who wants to be wealthy needs a good woman. A good saved woman has a heart to do the will of GOD and contains within her the qualities that can help a man achieve his purpose as a provider of provision, protection, production, and peace. She can help him materialize his vision, help create wealth, and cover his back from the attacks of evil men and wanton women, providing a quiet comfortable atmosphere for him... now.. IS THAT YOU???~~~~~~~Bishop Larry Boyd

“He picked me up from baby daddies cave”-Akothee Akothee

Akothee Akothee back in 2013

He picked me up from baby daddies cave , asked me to throw away my jacket which looked cheap for him , alas,  that was my sunday best! So he gave me his own jacket,  I had piecings on my nose, my cheek & many other places ??? he asked me to take them out. I asked why & so many whys? He said (you are a natual beauty,  you don’t need any additional metals on your dark flowless skin,  &, I want to have a lady on my table) ??, He  immidiately  took me to a shopping center & changed my wardrobe before he introduced me to his friends. He held my hands & walked into some exclusive restaurant where his friends were , with his head high in the sky, he said;  meet my sweetheart Esther Akoth! So with all these imistakes from my dress code to pieciengs this guy still insisted on dating me,  why do you think he was patient with me till he found the lady he wanted in me? Was he walking with a microscope to see the inner beauty? I still make so many mistakes till todate he has never given up on me! I call him Dr. K . his patience is unlimited, he is waiting for me to drop music so we can get married….. Dr. k , its soon dont worry;  I love you very much ???? you try tell him anything negative about Esther he deletes your contact & thats the end of your relationship ??? #TB2013

****Please note, this msg is #TB2013, Akothee has been married to her man at least for 3yrs now! May their ❤ forever live ****

Soma maoni ya watu / fans:  

How can I attract my Boaz? A) Close your legs. Open your heart!

My babybrother na wifi yangu ?

Wataalamu wanakwambia muonyeshe kuwa you are a team player without any benefits attached then you will see kama hajakufanya uwe Malkia wake wanguvu! ………. Ngoja niwadokezee kidogo, this is exactly what happened kati yangu na Muhaya! Kwani unafikiri hiki kiburi cha kusema “haachwi mtu hapa” kinatoka wapi? Pure love will never come back void people!! ?? I will let him aje awaelezee siku moja leo nimewaonjesha tu. ???  “Help a man build his empire without giving him sex and watch him marry you. #Helpmate #close your legs.Open your heart SOMA BAADHI YA COMMENTS: 

“Mimi nimejifunza kutonung’unika sana kwa kila linalotokea”Jacqueline Mengi

Umeshawahi kulia na kusononeka kwa mfano kwasababu ya kukosa maelewano na mwenzi wako mpaka ikapelekea kuachana halafu baada ya muda kupita ukagundua kuwa kilichotokea ilikua ni njia ya kukufungulia mlango mpya wa baraka? Kama binaadamu tungekua tunajifunza kutokana na historia hata kama sio yetu binafsi tungeepusha masikitiko mengi sana. Mimi nimejifunza kutonung’unika sana kwa kila linalotokea maana kila nililoliona ni tukio baya baada ya muda niliona jinsi ambavyo ilikuwa ni njia ya kuruhusu baraka ziingie kwenye maisha yangu.Everything happens for a reason therefore be grateful for everything. Asubuhi njema…..

Michael Baisden Commentary: Sometimes You Have To Love Enough To Let Go

Michael Baisden Commentary: Sometimes You Have To Love Enough To Let Go 

Mr and Mrs Pezin enjoying their vacation in France last week!

Let’s keep it real, we all know when we’re in a situation with someone who doesn’t want what we want? But we selfishly stay with them or allow them to stay connected to us because of what we’re getting out of it. In the end you both lose because neither of you are getting closer to your ideal. And while we claim to love this person we insist on keeping them around just for the sake of satisfying our sexual, emotional or financial needs. And that’s not right. And it’s bad Karma, whether you believe in it or not.

Ordinarily I would post these reflective commentaries at the beginning of the year but for me every day is a new year or at least a new beginning. So, why not begin the month of June by letting go of that person who you know deserves better than you or if you’re the one who’s holding on why not love your partner enough to see the truth, and the truth is you’re not compatible, at least not in the important ways necessary to maintain a healthy relationship.

Or maybe the problem isn’t loving your partner enough, more likely what’s needed is more self-love, more self-respect and more self-esteem. Life is short people and every day that’s wasted on the wrong person is another day less you could be investing in yourself to be prepared for the person who is perfect for you. ~ Michael Baisden.

Some of people’s contributions: 

Je, anaweza endeleza jitihada na maono yako? Au……..!

Nasema nawe!! Yes, wewe mwanaume au mwanamke ambaye Mungu amekuonyesha wito wako na kukutimizia ndoto zako katika hii dunia!! Je, huyo mwanamke au mwanaume ulienaye ataweza kuendelea jitihada na maono yako baada ya kifo chako? Au ndoto zako, jitihada na maono yako yote yatazikwa na wewe?!! Will she be able to carry on your legacy? Or she is just a “trophy” wife who knows just about how to put makeup on naku-appear on the red carpet?! Au ni yule mwanamke ambae anajua kutunza nyumba na watoto and got no clue about what her husband / partner desires! Je, umeshawahi kutafakari juu ya hilo kabla ya kunyoosha mkono wako wa kuume nakusema “Yes, I do” mbele za Mungu! …………Well! Chukua notes  kutoka kwa mrehemu Ivan Semwanga. Yeye alijua (after he broke up with Zari, am just guessing)  kuwa hakuna mwanamke yeyote on this planet who will carry his legacy the way his heart desired kama Zari! Ndio maana pamoja na mahela yake yote Ivan hakuweza ku-move on wala kuzaa na mwanamke mwingine isipokuwa wale watoto aliozaa naye Zari! Sikiliza maneno ya Zari na pia angalia matendo ya Ivan utapata jibu kuwa Zari is telling the truth kuwa “Ivan knew Zari is the right person”! Na Zari anahiakikishia dunia kuwa sasa I’m going to wear Ivan Semwanga’s shoes and do it for his boys, his legacy, family, and fans!! Nasema hivi, kama hauna watoto wakubwa ambao wataguswa na jitihada na maono yako je,  does your woman / man not only knows the “game” you are in, but rather knows how to play and keep the game moving on as well?!  Au your work done will be equal to ZERO once you are no more! Its 21 century you better kutafakari na uchukue hatua!

#R.I.P Ivan Semwanga  #Zari you are the best of all!

One of Ivan Semwanga’s properties

“Why Women Need Men Who Challenge Them”~~~~~~Michael Baisden

“Why Women Need Men Who Challenge Them  Most mature women are financially stable; they have academic and book sense; and over 70% of them are holding down the household as single parents. Although a man’s help would be appreciated, for many established women, money and help with the kids is not a “NEED”!

What mature and intelligent women long for is quality companionship and stimulating conversation with a real man who leads by example, brings resources to the table — that means intellectual, financial, and life experience.

As a man, it’s not about being in charge or being right, it’s about making your partner feel secure and challenging her to see the world from a different perspective. We can’t beat our chests and raise our voices believing this is the way to lead. We must lead by our example and strength of character. Only an insecure man would expect a woman to submit to his way of thinking when he hasn’t accomplished anything with those thoughts.

And only a woman who is a fool would follow a man who talks a good game but doesn’t have anything to show for it. As I said earlier, most women don’t need a man but they definitely want a good one and a strong one.

To put it frankly, a woman can go to the sperm bank to make a baby, but they’ll never create a device that can stimulate a woman’s mind like engaging in a conversation with a man of depth and intelligence.” ~ Michael Baisden…..Link:

***Please note that Dr Mengi na waridi la roho yake has no directly connection with the story! Just love the pic*****


“Don’t make marriage a jail”~~~ChrisMauki

Enyi waume, wake zenu pia ni wanadamu, they are social beings, walikuwa na marafiki kabla hamjawaoa, usidhani wewe ndio ulikuwa binadamu wakwanza kwenye maisha yake. Kasoma kuanzia shule ya awali hadi chuo kote ana marafiki au hatakama hajasoma lakini ana marafiki wa mtaani na ujanani. Iweje leo kaolewa na wewe ndio unajifanya kumfungia kila mwanya wa kuonana na marafiki zake (simaanishi marafiki wa mapenzi), unamkataza kutoka, akienda vikao vya kinamama ni shida, akijiunga vikoba ni shida, akitaka kwenda kwenye mikutano ya dini ni shida kubwa, unamyima kuwa na marafiki na akitoka kidogo basi hauishi kupiga simu kumuuliza anarudi sangapi. Ikifika saa 12 jioni utaskia mwanaume anamwaga povu “wemwanamke uko wapi, wehujui ni mke wamtu? Unafanya nini nje hadi sahizi”? Mimi nikuulize, kwani wewe haujui kuwa wewe ni mume wamtu na baba wa watu? Sasita usiku unafanya nini nje ya nyumba? Au umekuwa jambazi? Simaanishi akichelewa asiulizwe la hasha, namaanisha kunyimwa uhuru kusipitilize ikawa utumwa, kisa eti wewe haupendi awe na mahusiano na wengine. Mwanamke hajaolewa na wewe kuja kuua ulimwengu aliowahi kuwa nao awali. Lets be fair to each other. Ni vizuri kilammoja akijali hisia na wellbeing ya mwenzake, na hapo ndipo furaha ya kuishi pamoja inapokuja. Dont make marriage a jail #ChrisMauki